Tractors are one of the most important tools a farmer can own and are known to have service lives of well over 40 years if cared for correctly. However, tractors tend to take on a lot of wear and tear over time, and it’s easy for a machine to fall into disrepair. To ensure your tractor lasts as long as possible, be sure to read through our helpful maintenance tips below. 

Upgrade Tractor Parts and Products 

The parts and products you put into your tractor can affect its service life quite a bit. Making simple upgrades, such as using high-quality motor oil or purchasing model-specific OEM parts can do a lot to extend the life of your tractor. Using higher-quality components will also ensure that your tractor exhibits the best performance possible throughout its service life. On the other hand, substandard products can inhibit your tractor’s performance, and even result in damage to other important parts over time. 

Keep Up With General Maintenance

If you want your tractor to last for as long as possible, it’s incredibly important that you stay on top of your model’s general maintenance. This includes tasks such as daily inspections, seasonal cleanings, and regular upkeep of installed tools and implements. However, tractor maintenance doesn’t follow a yearly calendar like a majority of arming equipment. Instead, maintenance tasks will need to be completed based on the number of working hours the machine has performed. Wait too long to complete an important maintenance task, such as changing your oil or transmission fluid, and you could significantly shorten the lifespan of your tractor. 

Looking for a professional tractor service center to help you keep up with your model’s maintenance? Then come visit us here at RECO Equipment to have your tractor serviced by some of the best technicians in the industry! We have a number of different locations across the states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan, North Carolina, Kentucky & Tennessee, and look forward to seeing you soon here at RECO Equipment!